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Sách hay cuối năm
Cuối năm rồi nếu bạn nào có thời gian rảnh rỗi thì có thể tìm sách hay để đọc dịp Lễ/Tết. Project Syndicate có ra một bài giới thiệu sách hay của các chuyên gia.
Một vài quyển sách của những bác mình hay theo dõi giới thiệu:
Frank Dikötter, China After Mao: The Rise of a Superpower, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2022. - MUST READ - Daron Acemoglu giới thiệu, mình đọc qua rồi, nhiều phân tích rất hay.
This book presents a very different take on the Chinese economic miracle than the conventional wisdom. It convincingly shows how foreign capital pouring into China (to benefit from low – and often artificially suppressed – wages) became a key ingredient of economic growth at a time of intensifying repression following the Tiananmen Square massacre. It also shatters the myth of competent technocratic policymaking under leaders such as Deng Xiaoping. In reality, Communist Party elites were often reacting to, and sometimes trying to stop, economic developments on the ground. Most radically, the book makes the case that, rather than being a sharp break with the recent past, President Xi Jinping’s more nakedly authoritarian rule is in many ways a continuation of trends that started long ago.
Dan Ariely, Misbelief: What Makes Rational People Believe Irrational Things, Harper, 2023. - Dan Ariely viết thì phải mua đọc chơi cho biết để còn đi chém gió.
Duke University behavioral scientist Dan Ariely’s insights are particularly relevant for all those interested in the health and robustness of the world’s democracies, especially in advance of the critical 2024 US presidential election. Not only does misinformation polarize societies, but “post-truth” politics undermine the very core of the democratic project by eroding common norms and subverting shared facts.
Ariely’s book provides an innovative exploration of the appeal of misinformation, helping us to understand the psychological drivers of the post-truth phenomenon. Even more importantly, he furnishes a sophisticated intellectual foundation, grounded in the most recent behavioral studies, from which to design more effective public policies to protect the integrity of our democracies.
Barbara Kingsolver, Demon Copperhead, Harper, 2022. - Cuốn này mình nghe nhiều người giới thiệu rồi, nhưng mình chưa có thời gian mua đọc.
This is a stunning book. A winner of the 2023 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, it takes us straight into the life of a kid born poor in Appalachia, whom the system fails at every turn. It includes a plotline that has become all too familiar: a doctor prescribes an FDA-approved opioid developed by a major pharmaceutical company that is rewarding doctors for prescribing it, even as addiction-related deaths are mounting. In the United States from 1999 to 2021, nearly 645,000 people died from opioid-related overdoses while the drugs’ manufacturers raked in outsize profits.
Kingsolver offers a powerful call to rebuild a broken system, so that kids like her protagonist might someday trust it once again. US President Lyndon B. Johnson did the same thing in 1964, when he launched his “War on Poverty” in the heart of Appalachia.
Scott Patterson, Chaos Kings: How Wall Street Traders Make Billions in the New Age of Crisis, Scribner, 2023. - Gernot Wagner giới thiệu, Scott Patterson viết, mình đã đặt hàng cho Christmas read. Climate + Wall Street + “Greed is Good” => Chắc chắn thú vị.
Like the corporate raider Gordon Gekko’s famous “greed is good” speech in the 1987 film Wall Street, Chaos Kings is both a roadmap to riches (for some) and a powerfully crafted cautionary tale. Taking center stage is not unbridled greed per se, but rather the financial opportunities associated with volatility, uncertainty, and chaos. Scott Patterson, a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, masterfully covers the gamut from financial to climate risks, showing how both the “unknowns” and the “unknowables” make climate change particularly costly and, for some, lucrative.
Pranab Bardan, A World of Insecurity: Democratic Disenchantment In Rich And Poor Countries, Harvard University Press, 2022. => Cuốn này mình đọc rồi, mô tả vấn đề hay.
If you think massive inequality – the juxtaposition of squalor and opulence – is the most salient economic issue of the last 40 years, think again. As economist Pranab Bardan shows, the bigger problem is economic insecurity. From an auto-parts assembler in Cincinnati to a delivery driver in São Paulo, Brazil, workers’ disaffection is not explained by the kind of income distribution tables that Occupy Wall Street activists waved around a decade ago. Rather, it comes from the gap between what workers expected from their hard work and what they and their families got.
On paper, we promised to compensate losing families, communities, and workers with the additional gains from free, open trade. But we didn’t, and now anti-democratic populists are making political gains by railing against austerity. One hopes more economists will shift their focus from Gini coefficients to the erosion of pensions, lack of access to preventive health care, a shortage of safe and affordable housing, and the declining quality of life in left-behind communities. Insecurity, not inequality, is the key to understanding the grim politics of downward mobility.
Các quyển khác được giới thiệu, mình chưa quan tâm, nhưng để đây cho bạn nào muốn đọc. Mình nghĩ có thời gian đều nên đọc.
Anton La Guardia, Holy Land, Unholy War: Israelis and Palestinians, Penguin UK (Paperback), 2007.
Antonio Damasio, Descartes’ Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain, Penguin Books (Paperback), 2005.
Ian Buruma, The Collaborators: Three Stories of Deception and Survival in World War II, Penguin Press, 2023.
Ali Mazrui, Black Reparations in the Era of Globalization, Institute of Global Cultural Studies, 2002.
Naomi Klein, Doppleganger: A Trip Into the Mirror World, Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 2023.
Mosab Abu Toha, Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear, City Lights Books, 2022.
Tim Marshall, The Future of Geography: How the Competition in Space Will Change Our World, Scribner, 2023. - Tim Marshall hết cái gì để viết về địa lý rồi chăng?
Hal Brands (editor), The New Makers of Modern Strategy: From the Ancient World to the Digital Age, Princeton University Press, 2023.
Mark Paul, The Ends of Freedom: Reclaiming America’s Lost Promise of Economic Rights, University of Chicago Press, 2023.
COP28 có gì mới?
Key message trong tuyên bố chung cuối cùng của COP28 - Một note trong Facebook của mình về COP28
Climate talks at last lead to a deal on cutting fossil-fuel use
In a first, COP28 targets the root cause of climate change
Trung Quốc đang điều chỉnh gì trong hệ thống ngân hàng?
What China’s New Capital Rules Mean for Banks
Việt Nam có thể tham khảo
The final regulations on managing commercial banks’ capital (商业银行资本管理办法), released on Nov. 1, are the first comprehensive update to bank capital rules since 2012. Some metrics for calculating lenders’ risk-weighted assets (RWAs) have been relaxed from the draft version published in February. But regulators made no changes to rules in the draft setting up a system of differentiated requirements based on a bank’s size, in order to simplify compliance for smaller lenders.
From January, the metrics for calculating banks’ RWAs will be more sensitive to risks associated with loans to the real estate sector, some types of interbank business, bond investments and asset management products.
For residential mortgages, the new regulations have a more detailed methodology for assessing various risks, taking into consideration factors such as whether repayment relies on cash flow generated by the property and the loan-to-value ratio, which compares the size of the outstanding loan on a piece of real estate to its initial market worth.
China’s regulators don’t expect the new rules to lead to significant changes in banks’ balance sheets.
But for some smaller banks, especially rural and city commercial banks, the new rules create challenges that may require them to make changes to their asset structure that involve the disposal of more risky assets.
Short version: Five Things to Know About How China Is Changing Its Rules for Bank Capital
New Capital Rules Aim to Bring Chinese Banks in Line With Global Standards
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Các bài viết thú vị trong tuần: DramaKing Elon Musk
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